249 lines
6.7 KiB
249 lines
6.7 KiB
# Portions of this file are sourced from
# https://github.com/NickCao/flakes/blob/3b03efb676ea602575c916b2b8bc9d9cd13b0d85/nixos/hcloud/iad1/prometheus.nix
cfg = config.services.prometheus;
common = import ../../../../zones/common.nix;
publicHosts = lib.filterAttrs (_name: value: value.endpoints != [ ]) common.hosts;
targets = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: _value: "${name}.rebmit.link") publicHosts;
primaryNameserver = "${common.primary}.rebmit.link";
nameservers = map (ns: "${ns}.rebmit.link") common.nameservers;
relabel_configs = [
source_labels = [ "__address__" ];
target_label = "__param_target";
source_labels = [ "__param_target" ];
target_label = "instance";
target_label = "__address__";
replacement =
with config.services.prometheus.exporters.blackbox;
"${listenAddress}:${toString port}";
sops.secrets."prom/password" = {
sopsFile = config.sops.secretFiles.host;
owner = config.systemd.services.prometheus.serviceConfig.User;
restartUnits = [ "prometheus.service" ];
sops.secrets."prom/alertmanager-ntfy" = {
sopsFile = config.sops.secretFiles.host;
restartUnits = [ "alertmanager.service" ];
services.prometheus = {
enable = true;
webExternalUrl = "https://prom.rebmit.moe";
listenAddress = "";
port = config.networking.ports.prometheus;
retentionTime = "7d";
globalConfig = {
scrape_interval = "1m";
evaluation_interval = "1m";
scrapeConfigs = [
job_name = "metrics";
scheme = "https";
metrics_path = "/metrics";
basic_auth = {
username = "prometheus";
password_file = config.sops.secrets."prom/password".path;
static_configs = [ { inherit targets; } ];
job_name = "caddy";
scheme = "https";
metrics_path = "/caddy";
basic_auth = {
username = "prometheus";
password_file = config.sops.secrets."prom/password".path;
static_configs = [ { inherit targets; } ];
job_name = "ping";
scheme = "https";
metrics_path = "/ping";
basic_auth = {
username = "prometheus";
password_file = config.sops.secrets."prom/password".path;
static_configs = [ { inherit targets; } ];
job_name = "dns";
scheme = "http";
metrics_path = "/probe";
params = {
module = [ "dns_soa" ];
static_configs = [ { targets = nameservers; } ];
inherit relabel_configs;
job_name = "http";
scheme = "http";
metrics_path = "/probe";
params = {
module = [ "http_2xx" ];
static_configs = [
targets = [
inherit relabel_configs;
rules = lib.singleton (
builtins.toJSON {
groups = [
name = "metrics";
rules = [
alert = "NodeDown";
expr = ''up == 0'';
for = "5m";
alert = "OOM";
expr = ''node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes < 0.1'';
alert = "DiskFull";
expr = ''node_filesystem_avail_bytes{mountpoint=~"/persist"} / node_filesystem_size_bytes < 0.1'';
alert = "UnitFailed";
expr = ''node_systemd_unit_state{state="failed"} == 1'';
alert = "ZoneStale";
expr = ''probe_dns_serial{instance="${primaryNameserver}"} != ignoring(instance) group_right() probe_dns_serial'';
for = "5m";
alertmanagers = [
path_prefix = "/alert";
static_configs = [
targets = [ "${cfg.alertmanager.listenAddress}:${builtins.toString cfg.alertmanager.port}" ];
alertmanager = {
enable = true;
webExternalUrl = "https://${config.networking.fqdn}/alert";
listenAddress = "";
port = config.networking.ports.prometheus-alertmanager;
extraFlags = [ ''--cluster.listen-address=""'' ];
configuration = {
receivers = [
name = "ntfy";
webhook_configs = [
url = "https://push.rebmit.workers.moe/alert?tpl=yes&m=${lib.escapeURL ''
Alert {{.status}}
{{range .alerts}}-----{{range $k,$v := .labels}}
http_config = {
basic_auth = {
username = "alertmanager";
password_file = "/run/credentials/alertmanager.service/alertmanager-ntfy";
route = {
receiver = "ntfy";
systemd.services.alertmanager.serviceConfig = {
LoadCredential = [
services.prometheus.exporters.blackbox = {
enable = true;
listenAddress = "";
port = config.networking.ports.prometheus-blackbox-exporter;
configFile = (pkgs.formats.yaml { }).generate "config.yml" {
modules = {
http_2xx = {
prober = "http";
dns_soa = {
prober = "dns";
dns = {
query_name = "rebmit.moe";
query_type = "SOA";
services.caddy.virtualHosts."prom.rebmit.moe" = {
serverAliases = [ "prom.rebmit.workers.moe" ];
extraConfig = with config.services.prometheus; ''
tls internal {
client_auth {
mode require_and_verify
trust_pool file ${builtins.toFile "cloudflare_aop_ca_certificate" data.cloudflare_aop_ca_certificate}
reverse_proxy ${listenAddress}:${toString port}
preservation.preserveAt."/persist".directories = [
directory = "/var/lib/prometheus2";
mode = "-";
user = "-";
group = "-";
directory = "/var/lib/private/alertmanager";
mode = "-";
user = "-";
group = "-";