# Portions of this file are sourced from # https://github.com/NickCao/flakes/blob/3b03efb676ea602575c916b2b8bc9d9cd13b0d85/nixos/hcloud/iad1/prometheus.nix { config, lib, ... }: let common = import ../../../../zones/common.nix; publicHosts = lib.filterAttrs (_name: value: value.endpoints != [ ]) common.hosts; targets = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: _value: "${name}.rebmit.link") publicHosts; in { sops.secrets."prometheus/password" = { sopsFile = config.sops.secretFiles.host; owner = config.systemd.services.prometheus.serviceConfig.User; restartUnits = [ "prometheus.service" ]; }; services.prometheus = { enable = true; webExternalUrl = "https://prometheus.rebmit.moe"; listenAddress = ""; port = config.networking.ports.prometheus; retentionTime = "7d"; globalConfig = { scrape_interval = "1m"; evaluation_interval = "1m"; }; scrapeConfigs = [ { job_name = "metrics"; scheme = "https"; metrics_path = "/metrics"; basic_auth = { username = "prometheus"; password_file = config.sops.secrets."prometheus/password".path; }; static_configs = [ { inherit targets; } ]; } ]; rules = lib.singleton ( builtins.toJSON { groups = [ { name = "metrics"; rules = [ { alert = "NodeDown"; expr = ''up == 0''; for = "5m"; } { alert = "OOM"; expr = ''node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes < 0.1''; } { alert = "DiskFull"; expr = ''node_filesystem_avail_bytes{mountpoint=~"/persist"} / node_filesystem_size_bytes < 0.1''; } { alert = "UnitFailed"; expr = ''node_systemd_unit_state{state="failed"} == 1''; } ]; } ]; } ); }; services.caddy.virtualHosts."prometheus.rebmit.moe" = { extraConfig = with config.services.prometheus; '' reverse_proxy ${listenAddress}:${toString port} ''; }; }